The Police Aide Program was added in 1967 and the position is designed for college students interested in a career in law enforcement. A Police Aide will obtain part-time work experience, resulting from rotating assignments in the various divisions of the Berkeley Police Department. This includes regular ride-alongs with uniformed patrol officers and/or sit-alongs with other employees within the department. Police Aides serve a vital role in the operations and function of the Police Department as they assist in several quantifiable ways. A Police Aide will receive relevant work experience, which will be valuable towards a law enforcement career or any future employment elsewhere.

salary &
Step 1 $21.64 an hour
Top Step $29.64 an hour
Applicant must be 18 years old.
Applicant must have a valid California driver’s license with a satisfactory driving record.
Applicant must be enrolled in college with a minimum of six-semester units (or the equivalent) at the time of appointment.
Aides must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (“C” grade).
A Police Aide is required to wear a uniform (provided by the department).
A Police Aide will work approximately 19 hours per week (scheduled around their academic program) and will work no more than 988 hours per year.
Employment as a Police Aide is limited to a maximum of four years.
This job entails administrative work and hands-on/physical tasks.
Some experience with Microsoft Word and Excel is desired.
contact a recruiter
Interested in starting a career with the Berkeley Police Department. Use this form to get in touch and a recruiter will reach out to you.